Her Doctrine and Morals


19 May 2024


The Sunday


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The Sunday Sermon Archive

Dear Friends,

Today, we commemorate the profound event of Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Ghost to the Church. This event marks a significant transformation in the Church and the world we inhabit. The Holy Ghost, the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, fills our hearts with love for the truth and unity with God and our fellow believers. In the Gospel reading of the day (St. John 14:23-31), Jesus proclaimed: "If any one love Me, he will keep my word, and My Father will love him, and we will come to him and will make our abode with him. … But the Paraclete, the Holy Ghost, Whom the Father will send in My Name, He will teach you all things, and bring all things to your mind, whatsoever I shall have said to you."

The Trinity is One, and the Church is one. The truth is one. Love is one. Without the guidance of the God of Love, we cannot remember or genuinely understand all that Jesus taught us. Throughout history, we encounter many false Jesuses or antichrists, and numerous false "Christian" religions. These arise not from the love of Jesus, nor love of God, nor love of the truth, nor love of unity. The diversity of religions, "Jesuses," and "truths," are not from God but from demons. It is the ancient method of attack: "divide and conquer."

The modern fashion of endless conflicting and contradictory "truths," "churches," "religions," "genders," etc. Is not the work of the Holy Ghost. Jesus gave us His peace, but the world, with its many false religions, presents a false peace in anarchy. The devils would have those who love God and the Truth to hold their tongues lest some deceived, misguided, or blind follower of fashions might hear, love, and follow the Truth. This cold indifference, or forced silence, is not peace; it is not love nor the work of the Holy Ghost.

If we love Jesus, we will keep His Word — not just part of it but all of It. We must believe and accept ALL that Jesus left us in the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. Jesus, the Son of God, gave us the Truth, the Father bore witness to the Truth, and the Holy Ghost confirmed this Truth. If we love Jesus, we will love the Trinity of God. We will believe, follow, and obey everything God has given us.

As we progress in the true love of God, we grow in the correct love of ourselves and our neighbors. This love cannot remain indifferent to our fellow men's misguided and false wanderings. If we love them, we work and pray for them to truly love God.

The many false paths of religions and fashions are spawned by a materialistic or worldly (false) view of Jesus in His Humanity. They are false because they have rejected the Holy Ghost, and without the Holy Ghost, they cannot see the spiritual and supernatural message in all that Jesus said and did. These end up creating a false "Jesus" in their materialistic self-image.

Perhaps even more dangerous than the false religions inspired by a false concept of Jesus is the false Spirit inspired by false ideas of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost does not inspire or condone the endless divisions and contradictions of religions and ideologies in the world today. The peace that demonic spirits suggest to us in indifference to endless religions and fashions is not true peace but anarchy. It is not true love but a pursuit of self-comfort at the expense of truth and justice.

The Holy Ghost does not teach us to sit idly by as the devils lead the loved ones God has put into our lives into the depths of Hellish deception. We are called upon to speak out — to work and pray that these demonic lying fashions are exposed and the truth is made known.

If we are indeed believers and followers of Jesus Christ, we must also receive the Holy Ghost — keeping and loving the Truth, rather than various contradictory "truths" we see in the world around us today. These personal "truths" are not true but rather demonic lies. The Truth may make many people uncomfortable, but if we genuinely love ourselves and them, we must bear a little discomfort in this world if we want peace and comfort in eternity.

The Holy Ghost does not bring us worldly peace and comfort. On the contrary, The Holy Ghost teaches and inspires us to follow Jesus as closely as possible in the daily denial (sacrifice) of ourselves and the loving embracing of our crosses. We must strive to die to this world, its materialism, and fashions so that we and our loved ones may experience true spiritual peace here on earth and then, even greater peace and comfort in Heaven.

May the Immaculate Heart of Mary inspire, guide, and protect us!

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